The West Bengal Public Service Commission (WBPSC) will soon release the admit cards for the West Bengal Civil Service Preliminary Examination. Once the admit cards are released, it can be downloaded by the candidates online by logging in to the official site of WBPSC, i.e.,
The candidates must note that their admit card will only be released if they have had successfully registered and paid the fees within the deadline given for the West Bengal Civil Service Preliminary Examination.
The West Bengal Civil Service Preliminary Examination is scheduled to be held on Sunday, 9th of February 2020, at various centers in Kolkata and also in the outlying centers. Candidates will get full 2.5 hours to complete the exam as it is scheduled to be conducted from 12.00 noon to 2.30 p.m.
The candidates must also note that any kind of electronic gadgets such as calculator, mobile phones or any other devices of communication, are not allowed and are strictly banned in the examination. If any candidate is found to carry such devices with him/her, strict action will be taken against him/her.
The West Bengal Civil Service Preliminary Examination admit card will contain significant information about the candidate and the exam such as the name of the candidate, date of birth, category, name of the exam, date of exam, exam center or venue and time of the exam.
The candidates must be knowing that admit card is a compulsory document to appear in the exam and without it, they will not be allowed to even enter the examination hall. So it is recommended for the candidates to download their admit card as soon as possible.
Steps To Download WBPSC Civil Service Admit Card
- Go on the official website of WBPSC –
- On the website’s home page, find the link of the admit card.
- Click on that link. You will be redirected to a new page where you will have to enter your login details.
- After entering the credentials, click on the submit button.
- You will see your admit card displayed on the screen.
- Now download the admit card and take a printout for future reference.