How recess improves students’ ability to learn

How to enhance students’ ability to learn? The question fuels concerns of educators, parents, and students, which results in the integration of various strategies and transforming the schooling environment into the field of experiments. The recess-based approach can become a relevant solution since it does not require significant changes in the education process and instead provides students with a diversity of perks.

Academic achievement depends on multiple factors, but quality rest is the aspect that many individuals tend to underestimate. While recess is an element of any educational process, specialists often treat it as an insignificant aspect and instead focus on classroom activities. However, defining recess as an essential learning factor can boost significant transformations and improve numerous aspects of students’ lives, including developing new skills and establishing reliable social relationships.

Recess contributes to balance

First of all, recess is about balance. A short 20-minute break that some students have only twice a day cannot change the situation greatly. However, thoroughly structured, continuous, and meaningful breaks can. When a person studies, one activates tremendous mental and even physical efforts. Every second, our brain forms new connections, creates ideas, and reflects on the known and recently discovered information. As a result, it needs more time for recovery and preparation for the next round.

Balance sustained by recess enables harmonious personal development, willingness to explore new things and engagement in after-school activities. A learner restocks energy supplies during the rest periods and becomes an eager explorer. Moreover, understanding the benefits of balance in learning settings allows further implementation of such experience in other social contexts. Academic achievement is impossible without commitment, and balance is the vital ingredient of this formula.

Enhancing concentration and other skills

Recess plays a crucial role in maintaining skills that facilitate the learning experience. Studying without pauses can be increasingly difficult. Lack of time for recharging mental ‘batteries’ and exhaustion prevent full-fledged focusing on learning goals. However, recess can change this pattern. Shifting attention, an individual gets back to the classroom and perceives information from a new perspective.

Memorizing abilities become more profound. When we sleep, our brain doesn’t rest. When we take a break, our brain is still processing information learned in class. Therefore, after studying new information, our brain needs time and space for its preservation. Otherwise, the storage will be overwhelmed, and further learning will be counterproductive. Having some time off can save you from boredom caused by the uninterrupted flow of information.

Recess stimulates the imagination. It is challenging to take your mind off a lecturer’s voice or presentation of your classmate during the learning process. Moreover, there’s no reason to do it. Instead, it is possible to train mindfulness throughout recess and reflect on the information creatively. To have a moment alone with your thoughts or share impressions with others can guide you through unexplored paths of knowledge.

Recess helps students to become more engaged and active

  • Insightful communication with peers

Students inevitably communicate with each other during the break, which makes a recess a mini-model of the social environment. Additionally, informal communication facilitates further contact in the classroom. Proper recess is vital if you want to be a team player. Students can share their learning skills, exchange experiences using education services, discover new study apps or best custom writing services together. Recess makes learning much more fun! Besides that, a casual environment is productive for intelligent debates among peers, contributing to unexpected discoveries and expanding knowledge horizons.

  • Cooperation with teachers: Learning during recess

Who decides that the classroom limits learning? A less formal climate can encourage diversified and exciting teaching. When communicating with teachers in alternative contexts, you can still learn, discover valuable information that isn’t a part of the studying plan, and even share your opinion regarding the learning process and its potential enhancement. Of course, such interactions can occur in classrooms as well; however, a teacher will more likely dedicate the limited time for presenting new data than engaging in thought-provoking discussions with students.

Eliminating troublesome behavior & building a better educational environment

Young people are different. Some of them will calmly listen to the podcast during the break or improve their leading skills by exploring the best writing service, while others wouldn’t miss an opportunity to engage in a conflict situation and reveal one’s not the best qualities. Some students demonstrate behavioral problems because they lack the free time to distract themselves and spend extra energy. For instance, some individuals chat during classes, do not demonstrate sufficient discipline, and discourage others from learning. Moreover, young people can experience issues building connections with others and tend to avoid people. Aggressive behavior, bullying, and verbal abuse are considerable problems that disrupt the learning process.

So, how can recess help? Well-developed rest plans can be highly effective for creating safe and respectful environments for students who feel lonely or use spare time to assert themselves. Behavioral problems often result from an excess of energy, tiredness, or lack of human support. During recess, the risks of inappropriate conduct can be sufficiently decreased. Finally, all students encounter similar problems. Recess is a perfect opportunity for sharing, becoming more empathetic and engaged. Isn’t it more beneficial to learn effective studying tools like the best custom essay writing service than engaging in an argument with a classmate?


Although educators and students often underestimate the value of recess, it can facilitate many elements of teaching and learning. Studying requires significant mental effort and energy, and break allows us to replenish these supplies. As a result, quality rest becomes a vital mental and intellectual reload component.

Schedule balanced by regular and long recesses fuels your productivity, creative approach to deal with information and helps develop various skills. Either group activity or rest without communicating with other people can beneficially affect your learning ability. Better concentration, intellectual debates, free time to process new knowledge, imaginative reflection, and inspiration gained from more experienced participants of the education process are some of the perks of recess. Thus, this studying component allows individuals to become more proficient learners.

Indisputably, studying can be challenging, and not all students are fond of the process. However, recess reveals a diversity of non-obvious advantages that can lead you to the top of academic success.

Josh Linus
Josh Linus
Josh can talk films for hours on end, discussing the really good cinema, the really bad, and anything in between. He enjoys everything - from epic fantasies to horror, from rom-coms to crime and action thrillers, from sci-fi to musical dramas.

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