An American sitcom ‘The Big Show Show’ is written by Jason Berger and Josh Bycel. This show is the second project that WWE Studios are co-producing with Netflix. The first was ‘The Main Event’. Paul who has been featured in ‘The Big Show’ has been a prominent figure in WWE throughout his career.
‘The Big Show’ Release Date
Now is the time when WWE is going down the road of WrestleMania along with the production of a sitcom. It is more likely that the sitcom ‘The Big Show’ will release around WrestleMania.
Undoubtedly, as it is one of the biggest shows of the year it makes sense if Netflix and WWE release it around WrestleMania. Also, it is expected that ‘The Main Event’ will also release around WrestleMania.
Cast Of ‘The Big Show’
- Himself: Paul
- Cassy: Allison Munn
- Lola: Reylynn Caster
- Mandy: Juliet Donenfeld
- J.J: Lily Brooks O’Briant
- Kennedy: Jolie Hoand Rappaport
- Olivia: Emma Loewen
- Coach Fener: Ben Giroux
- Blenda: Danielle Uhlarik
- Mrs. Goodpasture: Marisa Chen Moller
‘The Big Show’ Production Status
As per the updates from IMDb, ‘The Big Show’ has already completed its production. It is only waiting for a date to release.
The shooting of the show started around August 2019 and it finished on December 5, 2019.
Episodes And Run Times?
It has been confirmed that the first season of the show will air with 10 episodes. And the length of each episode will be about 30 minutes long.
‘The Big Show’ is going to release all over the world. The show will be available worldwide.