Ranbir Kapoor’s Animal on day 9 of its run went on to become his most successful film by breaking the record set by his 2018 film Sanju. The film entered the 600-crore club on Saturday and is on the way to breaking more records on Sunday.
Animal, a Sandeep Reddy Vanga and Ranbir Kapoor combination, was one of the most awaited films of the years and it’s no wonder that the film went on to become one of the highest-grossing Bollywood films with the amount of love it received from the audience.
One has to note that Animal while on its way to becoming an all-time blockbuster, is also one of the most polarising films in Bollywood. The film got reviews ranging from extreme poles based on the film’s content concerning its morality and values. But that didn’t stop the film from reaching where it has reached now.
Animal 8 Days Box Office Collections
Here’s how the film fared in the first eight days of its box office run in India.
Day 1 [1st Friday]: ₹ 63.8 Crores
Day 2 [1st Saturday]: ₹ 66.27 Crores
Day 3 [1st Sunday]: ₹ 71.46 Crores
Day 4 [1st Monday]: ₹ 43.96 Crores
Day 5 [1st Tuesday]: ₹ 37.47 Crores
Day 6 [1st Wednesday]: ₹ 30.39 Crores
Day 7 [1st Thursday]: ₹ 24.23 Crores
Day 8 [2nd Friday]: ₹ 22.95 Crores
Animal Day 9 Box Office Collections
On Day 9, it is reported that Animal has collected 37 crores taking the film into ₹600 crore club. The film is right now standing at ₹600.58 crores. And with Day 10 being Sunday, the film is expected to mint another 35 to 40 crores on December 10th.
Animal – The Way Forward
Animal is now not only Ranbir’s most successful film it is now on its way to becoming one of the highest-grossers in Bollywood. It doesn’t look like the film is going to slow down anytime soon. By the time the film ends its box office run, it might collect anywhere between 750 to 800 crore breaking the records set by Sultan, PK, and Gadar 2.