The new dance reality show, Dancing Super Stars will be telecasted on Vijay TV from 2019. Dancing Super Stars is similar to other dance reality shows but it is expected that it will be one of the best dance reality shows. Currently, Dancing Super Stars is taking auditions of the best dancers for its platform and is already open for auditions.
Categories of Participation in Dancing Super Stars
In Dancing Super Stars Auditions there are three categories in which you can participate:
- Individual
- Dual
- Partner
In the Individual category you can participate alone but in the Partner category, you need to have someone as a partner and he can be from your friends or family. The only condition is that the partner has to be more than 18 years of age to participate in the Dancing Super Stars.
Prizes in Dancing Super Stars
The prizes in Dancing Super Stars are of 25 lakhs INR.
Rules of Dancing Super Stars
- There ARE three categories individual, dual and partner in Dancing Super Stars to play.
- The Individual or the Team will have to perform infront of the judges.
- They will be eliminated based on their performance.
How to Apply for the Auditions of Dancing Super Stars
- You will have to open this link –
- You will have to fill in all the details asked there.
- Also, you will need a video or an image of you and also of your partner if you have one.
If you have any problems or questions regarding the procedures, please tell us in the comments section. We will be happy to help you. And, also share this post to your friends or family if someone is interested in Dancing Super Stars then they could apply for the Auditions.
Dance super
How to apply for the dancing superstar
Dance participate in my bro allow with he dance