It’s been almost sixty-days that since the second season of Malayalam Bigg Boss has become significantly popular in the Malayalam language-speaking places across the country. Bigg Boss is popular for the drama and the emotional outbursts of contestants, moreover, the recent episodes were filled with some teary-eyed moment, exciting tasks as well as wild card entries.
Given that the show has already become extremely popular, the reality show is going to bring forward swift yet a noticeable change. The broadcast timing of the show will be changed after the 9th of March 2020.
When does Bigg Boss Malayalam air usually?
The usual air time of the show is that the show broadcasts from Monday to Friday at exactly 9:30 PM. In addition to this, every Sunday and Saturday the show airs across the country at 9 PM.
Nevertheless, from Monday next week, the show will not air more than half an hour, this might be something that the audience cannot accept anytime soon. This also suggests that Bigg Boss is trying to do something different from several other versions.
The weekend episodes are going to open precisely at 9 PM at midnight on every Saturday and Sunday. The change in telecast will come into being from next Monday.
The audience is excited about this week’s weekend episodes
The fans of Bigg Boss are currently waiting for the moment when the weekend episode airs as one of the contestants will be eliminated. In addition to this, Mohanlal will reveal who is going to be eliminated from Pashanam Shaji, Veena Nair, Sujo Mathew, Amrita-Abhirami, and Alessandra.
Only time will tell who will stay in the house and who will leave.