Bigg Boss Telugu Season 4 was launched on 6th September 2020. And the show has impressed many people across the Telugu states. The show received more Trp on its first day compared to other seasons of Bigg Boss Telugu. And the show was successful in entertaining and attracting people.
The show was started with great contestants like Abhijeet, Gangavva, Noel, Devi, Divi, Amma Rajasekhar, Sohel, Mehboob and many more. And few other wild card entries like Kumar Sai, Avinash and Swathi Deekshith were introduced. As the show has completed around 60 days, most of the participants were eliminated due to different reasons.
10th week Nominated participants:
As the show reached its 10th week, participants are striving hard to stay in the house as long as possible. Ariana, Mehboob, Abhijeet, Harika, Monal, and Sohail were nominated for the 10th-week elimination. All the participants have many strategies up their sleeve and playing hard for the season 4 title.
Currently, Akhil was separated from the group. Bigg Boss has given a task to the participants saying that to choose a person and eliminate him or her from the house. In which Akhil was chosen and was eliminated by the participants. But Bigg Boss has sent Akhil to the Secret House and made participants believe that he was eliminated. As a Diwali surprise, Bigg Boss may send Akhil into the house this weekend.
Gangavva and Noel were eliminated due to health issues. They have given their best though they were suffering from some medical issues. But after suffering was severe, they have left the house with Bigg Boss’s permission. And few people like Surya Kiran and Kalyani were eliminated initially, as they could not control their emotions.
Some of the strong participants like Kumar Sai, Devi and Divi were eliminated due to fewer votes. And Swathi Deekshith, one of the wild card entry was nominated in her 2nd week by Rajasekhar with his safe gameplay strategy. Unfortunately, she could not receive more number of votes, which led to her elimination.