Endeavour, the British spine-chiller television series, is coming for its 8th season, after successfully coming with seven seasons. Russell Lewis produced the show and premiered it on January 2, 2012. The show revolves around the story of the mysterious cases of manslaughter. The criminologist hero of the show, Project Morse, is devoted to working on different mysteries.
Endeavour Season 8 Release Date
It has been confirmed by Shaun that they would be back on set in 2021. In an interview with PBS, he mentioned: “The world is such a strange place at the moment. There is a plan for there to be a season eight—we should have been shooting that now. It has already been pushed back until next year, which, to be honest, I think is a blessing. First and foremost, we’re fortunate to have the opportunity to return and do any more, especially at this late in the game.”
He also mentioned: “So the fact that it has been pushed until next year only gives us more time to perfect [it], which can only be a good thing. But yes, in short, there will—fingers crossed, God willing, all being well—be a season eight.”
Besides that, there is no confirmation for the release date yet. However, it is likely to come out by the end of 2021.
Endeavour Season 8 Plot
As per the ITV, Endeavour Season 8 begins in 1971 and shows Oxford Wanderers’ star striker Jack Swift getting a death threat. Moreover, Endeavour and his team are put at the heart of the glitz and glamour of 1970s football, revealing the actual cost of success and celebrity. They are also likely to bring out a deep-rooted division that is reflected much closer to home.
Endeavour Season 8 Cast
The fans would be happy to know that Shaun Evans and Roger Allam are coming back in the show. Moreover, you are most likely to see Joan Thursday in the upcoming season. As well as other actors including Anton Lesser, Reginald Bright, Sean Rigby, and Abigail Thaw.