Bigg Boss Telugu Season 4 was launched by Akkineni Nagarjuna on 6th September 2020. The show has received great appreciation from the Telugu audience. The show has received highest Trp on its first day. 16 participants have entered the house. The Bigg Boss house looks huge and more comfortable compared to the previous seasons.
Bigg Boss Telugu Season 4 Wild Card Entry:
A promo was released by Star Maa on its official Social Media platform which depicts a new person entering the house. “Guest or New Entry” is the caption of the promo which is released by Star Maa.
Guest or New Entry ?? Wait and watch#BiggBossTelugu4 Today at 9:30 PM on @StarMaa
— starmaa (@StarMaa) September 25, 2020
Reportedly, Swati Dixit was expected to enter the house as a Wild Card Entry. As she entered the house in the promo, all the participants were excited and happy to welcome a new member. We can see these scenes in today’s episode at 9:30 pm.
Season 4 is running successfully as participants are excited to complete the tasks given by Bigg Boss. But for the last two weeks, there is no much fun and Bigg Boss started to give strong tasks in the third week which created drama among the participants.
Housemates in chill mode!!!#BiggBossTelugu4 Today at 9:30 PM on @StarMaa
— starmaa (@StarMaa) September 25, 2020
As the participants are playing the game hard, the house has become a battleground for the last two days. The Steal Heart Task and Robot and Human split task have created a serious atmosphere in the house. And Bigg Boss has also sorted the best and worst performers from the tasks.
The house has already introduced 2 wild card entries in its previous weeks and now another contestant entering the house. Surya Kiran was eliminated from the house and Kumar Sai was introduced as a 1st wild card entry.
Avinash was the Second wild card entry who was introduced in the middle of the second week. Then Karate Kalyani was eliminated.
And now Swati Dixit will be introduced in today’s show as a 3rd wild card entry. And all the participants are playing hard to stay in the house. Nominated participants are playing hard to stay in the house. The contestant with less number of votes will be eliminated this week.