Netflix features almost all the TV Series from Arrowverse. Here is the list of Superhero TV Series which you can watch on Netflix today!
Arrow offered the DC comics fans a glimpse of how a flawed person can achieve a massive transformation. The story revolves around Oliver Queen, a playboy, billionaire, the heir to Queen Consolidated. The life of Oliver turned upside down when his father killed himself after they were stranded in the sea. Before asking his son to service, Robert Queen gave a list of names destroying Star City and people’s lives in the city.
After being stuck on an island called Lian Yui (Mandarin for Purgatory), Queen comes back to star city to save the city from itself. The CW managed to do justice to the Gold Age character from DC Comics with the help of Greg Berlanti, who singlehandedly brought the Arrowverse to life with Arrow, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, Constantine, among others.
Legends of Tomorrow
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow is one of the unique TV Series of all time. It features a team of broken superheroes, villains, and losers who work together to save the Earth, well, in their way. These misfits become the best functional team with occasional crossover.
The series features Ray Palmer and Sara Lance from Arrow, Leonard Snart, Wally West, Mick Rory from The Flash, and Constantine from the same name. It took an entire season to create a separate space in the hearts of the viewers of Arrowverse. So far, Legends of Tomorrow is one of the oldest running series featuring some of the OG characters from The Flash and Arrow.
Even if you find the words to define the greatness of the series, you won’t find the appropriate word. Initially, the series started off showcasing the early careers of Jim Gordon and his partner Harvey Bullock. Nevertheless, season after season, the people of Gotham, even the ones in the police department, started adapting their alter egos like Edward Nygma, The Riddler, Captain Nathaniel Barnes as the notorious Executioner, among several others.
The series picked up the most-awaited Batman lore alongside the young Joker’s madness which started with the Red Hood mask. Then people began to get deeply invested regarding the plotline of the show.
Even the fans of Vertigo Comics might haven’t come across iZombie. This show featured Rob Thomas, the creator who killed the critically acclaimed musician Rob Thomas by a horde of zombies. This is how you introduce one of the best yet underrated TV Series on the planet, by the looks of it. The series follows a medical aspirant Olivia Moore who, by a freak accident, turned into a Zombie.
These modern zombies can blend with humans, live side-by-side, and only have to consume brains periodically. Olivia works in a morgue to consume the brain and acts as a consultant for the police department. People should take some time off to divulge into this genius piece of TV Series on Netflix.
At this point, who doesn’t know about the charming Devil? The craze of Lucifer was powerful enough to revive the series to life after it was announced canceled by Fox. Netflix quickly took Lucifer into its wing and revived the series, and the rest is history.
The second part of the fifth season was recently released on Netflix. Given that the second part was quite dull, it was great to watch Lucifer become the God of the universe by defeating Michael. Also, Lucifer can now travel to Silver City without having to die.
These TV Series from Arrowverse are perfect for any binge-watcher in the world.