The American Romantic Drama “Virgin River” had allured the fans with its heartwarming storyline and lovable characters in the 1st and the 2nd Season and the first season premiered on Netflix in December 2019, followed by the second season streaming since November 2020.
The makers were undoubtedly how much the audience loved the show and hence soon renewed it for a third season in December 2020, ten episodes long. Though we’re expecting it to come up by the mid of 2021, the list of shows releasing in June 2021 published by Netflix hadn’t included Virgin River, so everyone is wondering when the show will premiere. So here is everything we know:
Virgin River Season 3: Release Date
According to some inside sources, the filming for Season 3 had started as early as July 2020, wrapped up by the December of 2020. If these reports are correct, it would only take around 6 to 8 months to wrap up the post-production procedure. Considering that, the show in the best-case scenario may premiere as early as August or September. Nevertheless, if the show would follow the same release schedule in the winter, we may get to see it in December 2021. But the show would be released in 2021 for sure.
What To expect From Virgin River Season 3?
Season 2 of the show had left the viewers on the edge of their seats while hanging on a spectacular cliffhanger. Last, in Season 2, we saw Mel entering the bar to see Jack lying on the floor in a pool of blood with a gunshot.
Ao Season 2 will help us discover who shot Jack; Now, we have probably suspected, including Brady, Calvin, Charmine, Vince, and highly suspected Jamie. But one thing to note is that Jack won’t die as Martin Henderson is returning for Season 3. Also, we’ll discover what happens with Preacher’s plans of leaving Virginia River and Lizzie and Ricky patching things up.
Overall big things are coming up in Season 3.
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