Before releasing the first installment of Commando featuring actors Vidyut Jammwal, Jaideep Ahlawat, and Pooja Chopra, the producers of Commando 4, Reliance Entertainment, and Vipul Amrutlal Shah ventured and gave the film series two more installments making the Commando series staple in the country.
Commando has reportedly completed eight years at the time of writing since the release of the first installment. Vipul Shah can’t contain his enthusiasm regarding the future of the franchise. Hence the dedication that Commando should be back for a fourth film to make the franchise last significantly longer. The producer reportedly took a trip to the old memories concerning the franchise films where he recollects working.
Vidyut Jammwal made Commando a grand success.
When he first saw the audience tape featuring Vidyut, Shah revealed they were looking to cast a villain as Jammwal has done a tremendous job in Force by portraying a villain’s role. However, he and the team decided to turn Vidyut into an action hero with Commando as the actor is exponentially talented.
The decision that the makers chose to cast Jammwal as the lead proved to be entirely beneficial for the entire franchise.
Will there be a fourth Commando film?
When Shah and Reliance Entertainment combined their forces to bring three films to the franchise. As the franchise has garnered much following in the country. The makers have decided to get yet another film to shoot the franchise to a completely different level.
The DoP of the film is also one of its biggest USPs, as this made the film grand among its competitors and the audience. The talented and terrific team of Commando is most likely to come together for the fourth installment. Given that making the fourth part entertaining will be a challenge, the team’s work will be ecstatic.