The popular comedian of Telugu film industry, Venu Madhav took his last breath on the 25th of September 2019, on Wednesday. According to the sources, the 39-year-old veteran comedian was previously admitted at Hyderabad, top-notch private medical center Yashoda Hospital this week on Tuesday. The medical officials said that Venu Madhav was put on the life support system.
The medical reports also suggest that Venu Madhav was undergoing treatment. In addition to this, the doctors also advised Venu Madhav to go through liver transplantation surgery. The PRO of Yashoda Hospital, Sampath recently spoke to TNM. Sampath said that the comedian was brought to the hospital on the evening of Tuesday. Since he was admitted, Madhav was accumulating treatment from doctors.
Moreover, the doctors also revealed that the actor-comedian was also suffering from several health-related issues for quite some time now. Yashoda Hospital said that Madhav was declared to be dead at 12:21 PM, this week on Wednesday.
Venu Madhav was extremely sick before succumbing to death
The doctors also mentioned that Madhav has been suffering from diabetes, cirrhosis, kidney issues, as well as high blood pressure. Due to these health issues, Venu Madhav was going through dialysis.
The notable comedian was born in the Suryapet district of Kodad. Additionally, due to his health issues, Venu Madhav wasn’t active in the cinemas. In the year 2018, Venu Madhav had expressed his deep interest to contest in the elections.
Madhav made his debut as an actor and a comedian in the year 1996 with Sampradayam. So far, Venu Madhav has been cast in 170 films and his career span for around 20 years. May his soul rest in peace.