The Outpost is an American Fantasy Adventure Tv show which follows the story of Talon, a lone survivor of a race called Blackbloods. The Tv show is produced by Syfy International and acquired by the CW networks.
The first season was released on 10th July 2018, and it has been renewed for three seasons. In this article, we are going to discuss in detail concerning the release date of The Outpost season 3, the casts who are going to make a comeback in season 3, and other details. So here is everything you need to know about The Outpost.
What is the Plot of The Outpost?
The Outpost narrates the story of a girl named Talon(played by Jessica Green), the only survivor of the community called Blackbloods. When she was a kid, she saw all of her people massacred by the hands of cruel mercenaries. Years after those events, Talon discovered about her superpowers and learned to harness them. By that time, her only goal was to destroy those people who killed her community and her people.
What will be the cast of The Outpost Season 3?
As of now, there has not been any announcement regarding the cast who are going to come back in the 3rd season. However, according to our calculations, the core members of the casts are likely to remain the same as past seasons.
So here is the list of people whom we can see in the Season 3:
- Jessica Green as Talon.
- Jake Stormoen as Captain Garret Spears
- Imogen Waterhouse as Lady Gwynn Calkussar/Princess Rosamund
- Anand Desai-Barochia as Janzo
- Andrew Howard as Gate Marshal Cedric Wythers.
- Robyn Malcolm as Elinor.
- Kevin McNally as The Smith.
- Aaron Fontaine as Tobin.
- Glynis Barber as Gertrusha.
We will keep you updated with the original facts as soon as any official announcement is made.
How many episodes Season 3 will feature?
Well, Based on the previous two seasons (season 1: 10 episodes, season 2: 13 episodes), we can expect the 3rd season will also feature a fresh batch of 10-12 episodes. If we get any further updates about this, we will keep you posted.
What is The Outpost Season 3 release date?
The Outpost Season 3 is expected to be released in July 2020. We do not have the official release date details of the 3rd season but based on the release date (11th, July 2019) of The Outpost season 2. We can assume that the show will be released somewhere in July 2020. Still, we have to wait for an official word on this.
The Outpost is available for streaming on Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu you can refer to any of those 3 for streaming.