Tall Girl is an American teen drama movie released on September 13, 2019. It is a Netflix original initiative and was shot on a very tight budget but gained massive success. Here are few updates regarding Tall Girl 2, The Plot, The Release, and All You Need To Know.
The Plot
Tall Girl may prove to be an eye-opener for many people, especially girls, as it is a girl-oriented movie. The story talks about Jodi, who has been a tall girl since her childhood. The height of Jodi pushed her to get bullied and made a joke about it. Jodi gets underconfident and losses her self-esteem.
But things gradually change when a foreign exchange student enters her life, and she falls for him. The guy and his sister help Jodi realizes her true potentials and strengths. To know more about the plot, you must tune into the show because we don’t want spoilers.
The Cast
Ava Michelle is the lead, playing Jodi Kreyman; Luke Eisner as Stig Mohlin is the foreign exchange student who turns out to be Jodi’s love interest. Apart from these two main leads, the film has a lot of supporting yet necessary casts.
The second part of the film will repeat the previous casts, and no new character has been announced by the makers yet.
When Will It Release?
The Tall girl was released way back in 2019, and since then, the fans have gone crazy and expected a second part. Keeping in view the demand of the audience and the story, the makers made it clear to have a second part, but the release dates have not been confirmed yet. The good news is that the Tall Girl 2 is under production, and Amy be expected in mid of 2022.