The singing reality show Super Singer is set to culminate in a grand manner with its Finale just 5 days away from being aired. The final 5 contestants of the season will be performing in front of the live audience in Coimbatore on Sunday 10th November 2019.
The Finale of Super Singer 7 will be held at Codissia Trade Fair Complex in Coimbatore. The tickets to the show are available at many places as announced on Vijaya TV.
The voting for the finale is going on and will close on Sunday at 8 PM so that the audience is able to vote for their contestants after watching their live performance. Viewers can cast up to 50 votes for their favorite contestant after singing in using google account.
The current tally of votes of all the rive finale contestants is as follows –
• Murugan is leading with audience supporting in huge numbers and is leading with 39% of votes. He has a clear lead over his opponents and is most likely to win the finale.
• Sam-Vishal is trailing behind but not much far with 30% votes. He lost 2% yesterday and Murugan snatched top spot.
• Puniya is at number 3 with 13% of the audience’s vote.
• Vikram is at the 4th spot and is trailing from Puniya with just 2% votes and has 11% votes.
• Gowtham is at the bottom of the table with only 8% votes and looks like he is probably out of the race. However, nothing can be said as of now as two more days are left of voting.
Only time will tell who will win. Till the time stay tuned for more updates