Super Dancer is an Indian reality show, which airs on Sony Entertainment Television and Sony Entertainment Television Asia. The show encourages kids who have a passion for dance. This show completed a total of 3 chapters till now, chapter 4 to be released soon. Check the complete details here!
Super Dancer Chapter 4
Super Dancer is a whole package of entertainment. The talented kids from different places compete against each other. The winners for the previous three chapters are Ditya Bhande, Bishal Sharma, and Rupsa Batabyal. Now, Super Dancer Chapter 4 is all set to release, and the official date is also announced. It will start on the 27th of March and will broadcast every Saturday and Sunday at 8 PM.
Super Dancer Chapter 4 – Judges & Host
The show Super Dancer encourages the kids who have a passion for the dance. The kids auditioned are aged between 4 and 13 years. They are not only required to have 3Ds of dancing – Desire, Discipline, and Determination. They should also be able to learn and adapt to all dance styles.
This is an excellent opportunity for all the kids who dream to become the future of the dance. After the initial auditions and mega auditions, 12 Super Dancers are selected and they have to compete for the title of Super Dancer. The show is also available on the SonyLiv App. So you can watch it anytime.
The show has 3 judges:
- Shilpa Shetty
- Anurag Basu
- Geeta Kapoor
The show mainly has two hosts:
- Paritosh Tripathi
- Rithvik Dhanjani
Rithvik left the show and now it is hosted by Jay Bhanushali with Paritosh Tripathi.
Super Dancer Chapter 4 – Start Date
The trailer of Super Dancer Chapter 4 has revealed the release date of Super Dancer Chapter 4. The show will air on Sony TV from the 27th of March, every Saturday and Sunday at 8 PM. You can also watch it on Sony Liv’s official website or app.
stay tuned for more updates!