The post-apocalyptic dystopian thriller Snow piercer had first released in May 2020. The show was based on a 2013 film by a similar name that had dazzled the audience and rocked the charts. Now, after producing two successful seasons, the makers are keen on bringing the third season.
The series is set in a time when the earth has transformed into a frozen wasteland and follows the passengers of a gigantic, perpetually moving train that circles the globe and questions Class warfare, social injustice, and politics of survival. Want to know about the 3rd season? Here is everything we know:
Snowpiercer Season 3Release Date
Ahead of the Snow piercer Season 2, the show was renewed for a third season. The show has a pretty good record in rolling out its subsequent seasons since there was hardly 8- month gap between the first 2 Seasons. Also, as per the reports, the production had begun in early March. So given all the positives, the show may be out by the end of 2021 in the best-case scenario and probably not later than early 2022.
Season 3: Cast
Many similar faces will be returning for the third season, including the lead cast:
- Daveed Diggs as Andre Layton
- Sean Bean as Mr. Milford
- Rowan Blanchard as Alex Cavill
- Alison Wright as Ruth Wardell
- Lena Hall as Miss Audrey
- Mickey Sumner as Bess Till
- Sam Otto as John “Oz” Osweiller
- Annalise Basso as LJ Folger
- Steven Ogg as Pike
Since Melanie Cavill dies at the end of Season 2, Jennifer Connelly may be returning for parts showing flashbacks.
Season 3: Trailer
The trailer of Season 2 was released mere two weeks before its release, so we anticipate a similar for Season 3. Given that, the trailer may be releasing just a couple of weeks before the release of Season 3, but a teaser may be coming out in a few months.