Sistas is a successful television series dealing with the lives of four black women as they search for love in their 30’s. The show first aired on BET on October 23, 2019. Since then, this comedy-drama has amassed a genuine fan following and ranked among the top series on BET. With season 2 at its end, the natural question was will we get to see season 3? And to no surprise, the answer is a yes.
The second season of the show did fall on its rankings, and there was a dip in viewership. But compared to other shows on BET, the decline was negligible, with only a 4% decline in rankings and a 6% on viewership. Surprisingly though, the show has managed to increase its live audience from season 1 to season 2. A feat that is uncommon in this business nowadays.
So, it is no surprise that BET has recommissioned the show for a third run.
Release Date for Sistas Season 3
Tyler Perry is known for finishing his projects quickly, and he has managed to do the same even during the pandemic. Filming in a bubble environment of Tyler’s studio, the work for season 2 was wrapped up within two weeks from its commencement. And was ready to be aired by mid-October. A boon for the fans who don’t have to wait long for the next new addition comes by.
Season 3 of the show was greenlit by BET on January 19, 2021. And this was even before the beginning of the second half of season 2, which aired its last episode on March 31, 2021. This further goes to show the faith BET has in the series.
Given the fact that the filming for season 3 was set for January and Tyler’s quick work. The filming must have already ended, and thus we can even expect the third season to air during the summer months of 2021.
Expectations from season 3
Nothing unusual can be expected from the season as it seems so far. However, we should keep an eye out for Gary and Andi as marriage is a concern for one of them. And also, the issues Karen and Aron will have to navigate to keep their relationship strong.