On Wednesday, at 11:02 AM, both Ranveer Singh and Director Shankar have announced their upcoming collaboration. Shankar mentioned that the film would be an official adaptation of his own 2005 released film, Anniyan, a Tamil blockbuster.
Anniyan, also known as ‘Aparichit – The Stranger’ in Hindi and ‘Aparichithudu’ in Telugu, is a blockbuster psychological action thriller about a man who suffers a multiple personality disorder, works as a lawyer by day, and a vigilante at night.
Check out the announcement by Director Shankar:
In this moment, no one will be happier than me, bringing back the larger than life cinematic experience with @RanveerOfficial in the official adaptation of cult blockbuster Anniyan.@jayantilalgada @PenMovies pic.twitter.com/KyFFTkWGSL
— Shankar Shanmugham (@shankarshanmugh) April 14, 2021
The film will be produced by Dr. Jayantilal Gada under the banner of Pen Movies. The film is expected to get a pan-India release. And as we all know, the film’s budget is going to be massive, just like every other Shankar film.
However, the film is not expected to be shot or released anytime soon as Ranveer Singh is right now occupied with the shoot of Sooryavanshi, 83, Jayeshbhai Jordaar, and Cirkus. And Director Shankar also has to finish the shoot of Indian 2 and #RC15, his upcoming film with Ram Charan, before moving on this project with Ranveer Singh.
As of now, we don’t know many details about this project. The film may release most probably at the backend of 2022. But that is just our guesswork. To get more official updates about this movie, stay tuned to our website.