West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee showcased her concerns about the country’s economic situation on Monday, April 05, criticizing the BJP-led Central Government for raising petrol prices. She said that the fuel costs had jumped 13 times in the previous 11 days, which is a new record. Further adding and citing fuel price hikes, LPG price hikes, inflation, and the privatization of public sector firms as examples, she remarked that the financial situation of India is fragile and needs to be handled with care.
We can observe how the people of Sri Lanka had revolted in rage due to the country’s economic difficulties. She added to her statements that she didn’t want to compare India to Sri Lanka, but there is no planning by the national Government, so there is nothing else to say. Lastly, she urged the Centre to convene an all-party meeting to examine the issues.
In the country, prices are increasing, and people are struggling, where the Central Government is completely unprepared. The Center’s responsibility is to devise measures for reducing price spikes and resolving related difficulties. She volunteered to help them with this task as well if they wanted. She wanted to give them her recommendations.
This has started to become a hot topic in the country, and the Government is busy using the Directorate of Enforcement and the Central Bureau of Investigation to raid opposition political organizations. She further stated that everything has become expensive, and they are solely discussing the unrest in Bengal and blaming Mamata Banerjee. She chastised the winning party in Uttar Pradesh and gave the people a price hike on Gasoline. She also accused the BJP of inciting people on a number of subjects.
Mamata Feels She Needs To Fight Center
Mamata Banerjee further chastised the Bengal Governor for his constant meddling, claiming that BJP is running parallel administration everywhere. The Governor refused to sign the Finance Bill, which further increased the situation and made it a very difficult scenario. The West Bengal Chief Minister aimed at Bengal Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar over selecting a Lokayukta and Human Rights Chairperson. She was unsure of the fact that he won’t release the documents and what kind of politics this is. She said that there is no sense in the statement that a parallel Government is operating everywhere where there are so many other issues to work upon.
The Chief Minister’s statement that Lok Ayukta or SHRC Chairman/Member or Information Commissioners appointment papers are undergoing Government consideration is untrue. These files, which were received on February 17, were returned in five days, and the state answer is now a month and a half away. The Chhattisgarh Chief Minister addressed a letter to her, alleging that they did not get GST money, referring to the Central Government’s deprivation of non-BJP state Governments. She further said that she had already addressed a letter to the Chief Ministers of various non-BJP states about the necessity for an anti-BJP platform to combat the BJP Government.