Money Heist is a Spanish crime thriller series that premiered on Netflix. Money Heist is a very successful series that has gained attention all over the world. The professor in the series has got an enormous fan base all over the world. The series was initially made as a show with two seasons.
The first 15 episodes of the series were telecasted on Spanish Network Antena 3. In late 2017, Netflix bought the show’s streaming rights and reconstructed the series, shortened the duration of the episodes and extended into 22 episodes, and released on its platform.
Money Heist Season 5 Release Date
Netflix has not yet officially announced a release date for Money Heist Season 5. The filming of the series began on August 3, 2020, and has continued until 2021. The release of the fifth season can be expected to be sometime around september 2021.
The filming of the series was done in Denmark and was later filmed in Spain and Portugal. Several cast members have posted on their social media handles during the series’s filming and have conveyed that the shooting is almost over.
Money Heist Season 5 Other Updates
According to reports, there will be another villain for season 5. The cast of the film is more likely the same. Season 5 will be the last part of Money Heist. Alex Pina, the show’s creator, said that some people would be disappointed by the ending of the season but also said that they had made an effort to be fair to all the characters.
All the premiered episodes are available on Netflix, and season 5 will also be premiered on Netflix. Money Heist Season 5 will be streamed in the Spanish language with English subtitles.
Keep your fingers crossed for the season 5 release date of “Money Heist” to know more about the story!