Heist Crime Drama series Money Heist has gained quite a massive fan following its ‘perfect antiheroes.’ The series remained the most followed series on Netflix and became one of the most popular and highly-rated series on IMDB.
The show has already brought four of the hit seasons, but It isn’t possible to get enough from a season of Money Heist, and so the fans are already eying the release of the fifth season. Here we are with details regarding the final Season.
When is Money Heist Season 5 Releasing?
Recently, the renewal of Money Heist for a fifth season was announced, and since then, the fans are guessing the release date. Earlier, there were speculations regarding an April release that were dismissed. Now the show, Alex Pina, has shared some exciting details about the release of Season 5. Alex shared that Money Heist Season 5 is likely to be released after September 2021 and not before.
Some of the sources had revealed that the show was coming up in September, but after Alex’s statements, speculations suggest that the show might be coming up in October 2021. Pina also said that some people might be disappointed with the ending, but they have tried their best to be fair with the characters. The filming of the show is taking place in Madrid, Denmark, Portugal.
Who will be joining the cast of Money Heist Season 5?
The original cast of Money Heist is expected to be returning for the final season, including Alvaro Morte, Ursula Corbero, Itziar Ituno, Jamie Lorente, Darko Peric, Pedro Alonso, Miguel Heran, Esther Acebo, and Mario De la Rosa. The first of the new cast members to join will be Actor Miguel Angel Silvestre and Patrick Criado.
Season 4 had ended at a significant cliff-hanger; let’s see how Season 5 picks it up.
For more updates, Stay Tuned.