KonoSuba is one popular anime series adapted from the Japanese light novel series of the same title by Natsume Akatsuki. The two seasons of the series are completed & now fans are eagerly waiting for season 3. Let’s find out KonoSuba Season 3 Release Date and much more.
KonoSuba Season 3
KonoSuba follows the adventures of Kazuma Sato alongside a goddess named Aqua, a magician named Megumin, and a knight named Darkness. Season 1 premiered on 13th January 2016, whereas season 2 on 12th January 2017.
The makers have not announced the renewal news of season 3 until now & fans are wondering whether season 3 will happen.
However, it is believed that season 3 will happen based on the statement made by Junichiro Tamura, the business producer of Kadokawa, which is behind KonoSuba. When he was at Reddit AMA, he confirmed that season 3 might happen if the movie gets a good response.
Season 3 Release Date
As season 3 is not renewed yet, we are not sure about the release date. Tamura said that we could expect season 3 if the film goes well. The film’s opening weekend at the Japanese box office earned it 200 million yen, and it was reported that it ranked eighth during its opening weekend in Japan. The film’s U.S. premiere earned around 1 million dollars.
So, we can definitely expect KonoSuba season 3. According to few sources, season 3 might be out in 2022 or 2023. Hopefully, makers will soon announce the renewal & more such updates on season 3. We will update the official release date right here after the confirmation from the makers.
Plot & Cast
Season 1 of Konosuba was based on the first two volumes of the light novel series. Season 2 covered the third & fourth volumes. So, it is expected that season 3’s plot will be based on the sixth & seventh volumes of the series. The fifth series was already covered in the film.
There is no confirmation on KonoSuba Season 3 cast, but we can definitely expect these voice cast to return in season 3 as well:
- Jun Fukushima as Kazuma
- Sora Amamiya as Aqua
- Ai Kayano as Darkness
- Rie Takahashi as Megumin
- Aki Toyosaki as Yunyun
- Yui Horie as Wiz
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