Jai Jagadish is an Indian film actor, who is also a director and a producer in the Kannada film industry. Starting his career as an actor in Phalitamsha (1976), Jai Jagadish has been seen acting in a total of around 300 films. Some of the notable films of Jai Jagadish as an actor, inter alia, include Gaali Maathu (1981), Benkiyalli Aralida Hoovu (1983), Bandhana (1984), Madhuve Madu Tamashe Nodu (1986) and Garjane (1981).
Jai Jagadish has entered as one of the contestants in Big Boss Kannada 7 which has begun today, that is, on Sunday, 13th of October 2019.
Jai Jagadish’s Age And Date Of Birth
65 years old Jai Jagadish was born on the 29th of June, 1954.
Jai Jagadish’s Parents
Jai Jagadish’s parent’s details are Not yet Known.
Jai Jagadish’s Height And Weight
Jai Jagadish’s Height and weight are not yet known.
Jai Jagadish’s Hometown
Jai Jagadish Is From Karnataka, India.
Jai Jagadish’s Networth
At present, Jai Jagadish’s Networth is not yet known.
Jai Jagadish’s Educational Qualification
Jai Jagadish’s Educational Qualification is not yet known.
Jai Jagadish’s Relationship Status
Jai Jagadish is married and his wife’s name is Vijayalakshmi Singh.
Unknown Facts About Jai Jagadish
- Jai Jagadish has been a producer of the film named ‘Bhoomi Thayiya Chochchala Maga’ back in the year 1998.
- Jai Jagadish’s debut directorial film was Madana.
- Jai Jagadish’s film ‘Kothigalu Saar Kothigalu’ won the Filmfare Award for the best film.
- Jai Jagadish is the President of Wakayama Karate-Do India.
- Jai Jagadish was last seen on the big screen in the film named ‘Missing Boy’ that hit the theatres in the year 2019.