There are millions of books, podcasts and leaders telling us what that secret ingredient is for business growth. While the answer may vary, each reputable source will agree that outsourcing is a key part of the solution. At a certain point in your business lifecycle, you must accept outside help so that you can prosper. Having reservations? If you aren’t sold on this idea, let’s outline how you can expect to boost business with outsourcing.
Streamlined administration
No two words fill us with peace quite like ‘streamlined administration’, as it can really make other parts of the business flourish when the basics are covered. Whether you are considering retail business payroll outsourcing or having a third party organise your rostering – the time and headspace you will get back will be truly invaluable. Businesses with poor administration structures usually have high turnover, as you are expecting your staff to wear too many hats or to do their job without sufficient support.
Become more flexible
The flexibility that comes with outsourcing cannot be understated. Who doesn’t want to trade in an office for a cafe, or a poolside location? You might not think that flexibility will boost your business, but consider the talent you can hire when you are not bound to a city or even a country. Flexible working conditions are the future, and outsourcing is leading that movement. Rather than bringing someone in-house and adding another contracted employee to your books – farm out projects and roles as needed and enjoy a lighter and more flexible way of operating. This can be so helpful if you have busy and quiet periods and can staff accordingly and save money when you need to.
Let your leaders lead
We put much effort into designing these perfect position descriptions and ensuring our team has a great cultural fit… only to shackle them with those incidental jobs that take them away from doing what you need them to do. When you outsource those pesky tasks to another entity, you are clearing the road for your leaders to lead and drive that change that you know they are capable of. If they are not doing that, then all you have is an overpaid administration jockey. Your leaders will also feel valued by your commitment to keeping them agile and in control when you start to outsource their less pressing work.
Be more things to more people
That feeling of letting an account, client or customer slip through your fingers is hard to shake. If this is happening with some frequency, it could be a sign that you are not offering what your market needs. This is where outsourcing can be invaluable – it allows you to pitch for big business and outsource the things you don’t do to another agency or individual. Say you are an SEO agency and your next client loves your packages but is also interested in social media marketing – you can still win the client and find the right person to manage their social media later on. When you start thinking in this way, it is pretty exciting for your business as there is actually no ceiling to what you can do for your clients and customers.
If you are still not convinced about outsourcing, why not give it a trial? Find something in your business that is low stakes but needs to be done and see if you like the quality of work and extra time by outsourcing it. Sure, you cannot outsource everything in your business but there are quick wins to be had by moving some work out of the house.