Girls5eva girls are all ready to take center stage this spring as they take a second chance at fame in the upcoming show. The musical comedy show created by Meredith Scardino and produced by Tina Fey and Robert Carlock revolves around a girl group from the 90s who gives their dreams one more shot after their old song is sampled by a young rapper. Here are all the details regarding the show:
When is Girls5eva Releasing?
There is not much time before seeing the four grown ladies getting onto the stage to be the newest youth sensation. The official release date has been announced. The show will premiere on May 6, 2021, in Peacock.
Girls5eva Teaser and Trailer
Teaser for Girls5eva was released on 17 Feb 2021, while the trailer was released a week back on YouTube. The groovy-funky trailer has already started the mandatory buzz. The show is sure to hit the screens with a bang.
Who are all in the cast of Girls5eva Cast?
The show stars Sara Bareilles, Renée Elise Goldsberry, Busy Philipps and Ashley Park in the lead. They will play the four ladies coming together after years and dreaming big in their middle age. Daniel Breaker has also been cast in a recurring role. Will Girls5eva have the biggest comeback in pop music history? It’s going to be a lot of fun to see them trying to make it big.
For more updates, Stay Tuned.