K S Alagiri, president of Tamil Nadu Congress Committee came up with an announcement today i.e., on Wednesday. Alagiri has condemned the government of Tamil Nadu for coming forward with a notice to the educational institute across Chennai where the official audio launch of “Bigil” has taken place in the previous week.
By the looks of it, the notice which was reportedly issued by the secondary of higher education must be withdrawn immediately, according to Alagiri. In the meantime, Alagiri did also issue a very similar notice to the reputed Stella Maris College as it hosted an interaction for controversial student interaction with Rahul Gandhi, then president of Rahul Gandhi before the general elections.
Alagiri is defending Vijay and his upcoming film, Bigil
Alagiri said that the audio launch event is more of an event which is done in the film industry and it is not a conventional audio event. By the looks of it, the audio launch event took place in the private-based engineer college, namely Sairam Engineering College, located outside Chennai. In addition to this, Alagiri also said that Vijay doesn’t have any sort of affiliation to any local or national political party.
The popular actor, Vijay has a significant fan following from the youth of the state. Also, he had spoken whatever he felt regarding a few issues that he deems right. Nevertheless, it was taken as the misconstruction as the speech was made against the government, AIADMK, and D Jayakumar. The government of the state has to withdraw the notice immediately as the audio launch is not a conventional political function.
In the past, several functions took place to spread the idea of politics; however, the state government didn’t issue any notice to these institutes.