Bigg Boss, a very popular Indian reality television game show, produced by Endemol Shine India through Viacom 18 (or colloquially Colors TV Network) and Star India Network in India has successfully completed its 13 seasons, and is now gearing up for its next season i.e. Bigg Boss Season 14. A total of 13 people take part in the reality show, besides the wildcard entries that join the game in the middle.
The primary objective of the participants is to survive in the house for a period of 100 days without any source of entertainment. However, they are provided with one television which is the medium of communication between participants and Salman Khan (host of the show).
Every week, the voting will take place by public and on the basis of results, one of the participants will get eliminated, thus bidding a good bye to the house. The last five members left are eligible for finals and one of them will get the title of winner, along with a prize money of Rs 50 lakhs to 1 crore.
Bigg Boss Season 14 – Eligibility Criteria:
The eligibility criteria for common people is as follows:
- The participant must be major (of age 18 years and above).
- The participant must be an Indian and should be staying in India.
- The participant should have the following documents – Driving License, PAN Card, Aadhaar Card, Voter ID Card, School Leaving Certificate, Birth Certificate, Ration Card, Passport, and Telephone or Mobile Bill.
Boss Season 14 – Auditions & Online Registration 2020:
The procedure for common people to register for the show is as follows:
- Visit the website or download the Voot app.
- Fill the details in the form and check whether they are true.
- Upload your introduction video giving details such as your location, experience, personality, lifestyle and purpose of participating in the show. The video duration should be maximum 3 minutes. The size of the video file can be around 50 MB.
- Read the terms and conditions of the game.
- Submit the application form and wait for the call to perform in the audition.
If you perform good in the audition, you will be selected for the Big Boss Season 14.