Actor Suresh Chakravarthi is in quarantine at the Feathers Hotel in Poonamalle, Chennai and will be one of the contenders for Bigg Boss Tamil season 4. Bigg Boss 4 Tamil has already been revealed to premiere on Sunday, October 4, 2020 at. Day one shows the large turnout of 16 contestants and there will be 8 male contestants and 8 female contestants in Bigg Boss Tamil season 4.
Suresh Chakravarthi will be one of the male candidates and has already tested negative in the first COVID 19th test. It should be noted that Suresh Chakravarthi is a famous YouTuber with a “Chak’s Kitchen” food chain and therefore the competitors have no problem. when it comes to food.
Suresh Chakravarthi has also starred in many films and is famous for his ugly performance in the film “Azhagan” directed by K Balachandar with Mamooty, Madhumitha and Bhanupriya in the lead roles. Suresh Chakravarthi took a break from shopping in the 2000s and moved to Australia to open a restaurant and settle there. He recently returned to Chennai before shutting down and his YouTube channel has more than 50,000 subscribers.
Suresh Chakravarthi is a good friend of actors and actresses in their 80s and is known for speaking with all his heart. Will it be Mohan Vaidya this year? We’ll have to wait and see.