American sports dramedy, Big shot is currently airing on Disney+. The first episode, titled “Pilot,” was released on April 16, 2021, and the second episode, titled “ The Marvyn Korn Effect,” will be airing on April 23, 2021. The show equips Seven episodes and will continue till May 28, 2021.
The coming of age sports drama has received chiefly favorable reviews and has created quite a solid fan base. So the question is whether we should be rooting for a second season; here are all the details.
Are there any plans for Big Shot Season 2 renewal, and when is it releasing?
It’s kind of too early to expect an announcement for the renewal as season 1 is currently airing on Disney+. Only the first episode has been released till now, and for renewal, the makers would probably consider evaluating the viewing figures closely. So we need to wait for a month or two before the announcement is made. If the show gets renewed, then Season 2 may release by the spring of 2022.
Who will be coming back for Season 2?
Season 1 stars John Stamos and Jessalyn Gilsig in the leading roles. Apart from them, Richard Robichaux, Sophia Mitri, Nell Verlaque, Tiana Le, Monique Green, Tisha Eve Custodio, Cricket Wampler, and Yvette Nicole Brown are also playing crucial roles. As all of them aren’t seniors yet, there is a good chance for them to return for a Season 2. However, it’s still ambiguous.
What Will Big Shot Season 2 be about?
Season 1 revolves around a legendary NCAA men’s college basketball coach who gets fired from his job following a high-profile chair-throwing incident and ends up in Women’s high school.
The show is kind of based on the “coach finds redemption” genre. Since there is already a lot to discover in Season 1, It isn’t easy to guess what Season 2 will be about. Anyways, we hope to see our favorite basketball team making it to the top.
For more updates, Stay Tuned.