The best Japanese entertainer anime show, “Aggretsuko” is officially returning for its fourth chapter. Here are all hot updates.
With a bunch of cute characters and a fun-packed storyline, “Aggretsuko” is arguably the most entertaining Japanese anime series on Netflix. The series first stepped into the Netflix world in April 2018, and recently in 2020, it completed its third installment.
“Aggretsuko” carries a brilliant storyline featuring a red panda struggling through the ups and downs of her life. It focuses on her journey from a normal employee of a trading firm to grab the throne of a prominent member of a Japanese rock band. The third chapter was an absolute nail-biter, and now it’s time for Season 4. Back in December 2020, Netflix has officially announced the renewal of the show for Season 4 through a Twitter post, and here is all we know.
Aggretsuko Season 4 Premiere Date
Netflix has not yet announced the premiere date for “Aggretsuko” Season 4. But if we see the pattern of release of the previous seasons. The creators keep a maximum of 14 months gap between two seasons. So, we can speculate that Netflix will drop the new edition in the second half of 2021. Hopefully, the ongoing covid situations will not interrupt the production procedure as the complete process is handled remotely.
Aggretsuko Season 4 Cast
All the main cast and crew members of “Aggretsuko” will return in Season 4. The voice artists, including Eric Mendez, Katelyn Gault, G.K. Bowes, Ben Diskin, and more, will make a booming comeback.
What will happen in Aggretsuko Season 4?
Netflix has not yet revealed any sneak peek of the Season 4 plot. However, the official poster has unveiled that the main characters Retsuko, Fenneko, and Haida are gearing up for a comeback. As per the leaks, we can predict that the new season will follow Retsuko’s journey and highlight how he deals with several obstacles in life.